How to Make Money on YouTube by Making Videos

YouTube has become a platform where millions of people upload and watch videos every day. But did you know that you can actually make money on YouTube by creating and uploading videos? In this article, we will explore the different ways you can monetize your YouTube channel and start earning money.

What is the YouTube Partner Program?

The YouTube Partner Program is a program that allows creators to monetize their videos on YouTube. By joining this program, you can start earning money from ads that are displayed on your videos. The program also offers other revenue streams such as channel memberships and the YouTube Affiliate Program.

How to Make Money on YouTube by Making Videos

How to Join the YouTube Partner Program?

To join the YouTube Partner Program, you need to meet certain requirements set by YouTube. First, you need to have a YouTube channel that follows all the YouTube policies and guidelines. Next, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers on your channel and have accumulated at least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply to become a YouTube Partner.

How does the YouTube Partner Program help you make money?

Once you become a YouTube Partner, you can start earning money from ad revenue on your videos. YouTube runs ads on your videos and shares a portion of the revenue with you. The more views and engagement your videos get, the more money you can make. In addition to ad revenue, you can also earn money from channel memberships and the YouTube Affiliate Program.

What are the requirements for the YouTube Partner Program?

As mentioned earlier, to be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program, you need to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. These requirements help ensure that you have an engaged audience and can generate meaningful revenue from the program. It may take some time and effort to reach these milestones, but it is worth it in the long run.

Ways to Make Money on YouTube

There are several ways to make money on YouTube apart from ad revenue. Let’s explore some of them:

How can you earn money from ad revenue on YouTube?

Ad revenue is the most common way creators make money on YouTube. When you enable monetization on your videos, YouTube runs ads on them and pays you a portion of the revenue generated. The amount you earn depends on factors such as the number of views, ad engagement, and the demographic of your audience. It’s important to create high-quality, engaging content to attract more viewers and increase your ad revenue.

What are channel memberships and how can they generate income?

Channel memberships allow your viewers to join your channel by paying a monthly fee. In return, they get access to special perks like custom badges, emojis, and exclusive content. This is a great way to generate recurring income on YouTube. To be eligible for channel memberships, you need to have at least 30,000 subscribers.

What is the YouTube Affiliate Program and how does it work?

The YouTube Affiliate Program allows creators to earn money by promoting products or services through affiliate links. When viewers click on your affiliate links and make a purchase, you earn a commission. This can be a lucrative way to monetize your YouTube channel, especially if you have a niche audience that trusts your recommendations. It’s important to disclose your affiliate links and provide genuine recommendations to maintain the trust of your audience.

How to Start Earning Money on YouTube

If you want to start earning money on YouTube, here are some steps to get you started:

What are the steps to start making money on YouTube?

1. Create a YouTube account and start uploading videos on a specific niche or topic that you are passionate about. 2. Consistently create high-quality content to attract and retain viewers. 3. Enable monetization on your videos by joining the YouTube Partner Program and meeting the eligibility requirements. 4. Promote your videos on social media and optimize them for search engines to increase your visibility and reach. 5. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and building a community around your channel. 6. Explore other revenue streams such as channel memberships and the YouTube Affiliate Program to diversify your income.

How can you maximize your YouTube video revenue?

To maximize your YouTube video revenue, it’s important to focus on increasing your views and engagement. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

– Create eye-catching thumbnails and titles that attract viewers’ attention. – Use relevant keywords and tags in your video titles, descriptions, and tags to improve your search rankings. – Promote your videos on social media platforms and engage with your audience to encourage more views and shares. – Collaborate with other YouTubers in your niche to cross-promote each other’s videos. – Experiment with different types of content to appeal to a wider audience and keep your viewers engaged.

What are some tips for becoming a successful YouTube content creator?

Becoming a successful YouTube content creator takes time and effort. Here are some tips to help you on your journey:

– Find a niche or topic that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. This will make it easier for you to create engaging and valuable content. – Be consistent in uploading videos. Regularly provide fresh content to keep your viewers engaged and coming back for more. – Interact with your audience by responding to comments and engaging in conversations. This will help build a loyal community around your channel. – Invest in good quality equipment such as cameras, microphones, and editing software to enhance the production value of your videos. – Stay up to date with the latest trends and topics in your niche to ensure your content remains relevant.

Alternative Ways to Make Money on YouTube

If you’re not interested in creating videos or don’t have the means to do so, there are still ways to make money on YouTube:

How can you make money from YouTube without making videos?

You can make money on YouTube without making videos by becoming an affiliate marketer. This involves promoting other people’s products or services through your YouTube channel and earning a commission on any sales generated through your affiliate links. You can create review videos, tutorials, or promotional content to drive traffic and sales.

What is YouTube Premium and how can it generate income?

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service that offers ad-free viewing, background play, and access to YouTube Originals. As a content creator, you can earn money from YouTube Premium by getting a share of the subscription revenue based on the watch time of your content by premium subscribers. This can be a passive source of income in addition to ad revenue.

What are some other ways to monetize your YouTube channel?

There are several other ways to monetize your YouTube channel, such as brand partnerships, merchandise sales, and sponsored content. Brand partnerships involve collaborating with brands to create sponsored videos or promote their products/services. Merchandise sales involve selling branded merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, or accessories to your audience. Sponsored content involves partnering with companies to create content that promotes their products or services.

The Future of Making Money on YouTube

The future of making money on YouTube looks promising. As the platform continues to evolve, here are some projected trends for making money on YouTube in 2023:

What are some projected trends for making money on YouTube in 2023?

– Increased focus on niche content: As the platform becomes more saturated, creators will need to find their niche and cater to a specific audience to stand out. – Rise of live streaming: Live streaming is gaining popularity on YouTube, and creators can monetize their live streams through ads or donations from viewers. – More brand partnerships: With the increasing number of creators on YouTube, brands will look for unique and authentic partnerships to reach their target audience. – Expansion of YouTube Premium: YouTube Premium will continue to grow, providing creators with a stable source of income through premium subscribers.

How can you earn revenue from premium subscribers on YouTube?

If you have a YouTube Premium subscription, you can earn revenue from premium subscribers through the YouTube Partner Program. You will receive a share of the subscription revenue based on the watch time of your content by premium subscribers. This can be an additional source of income on top of ad revenue.

What are the benefits of becoming a successful YouTube video creator?

Becoming a successful YouTube video creator has several benefits:

Financial independence: If you can build a substantial audience and generate meaningful revenue, you can achieve financial independence and earn a living doing what you love. – Creative freedom: YouTube provides a platform for expressing your creativity and sharing your passion with the world. You have the freedom to create content that resonates with you and your audience. – Opportunities for growth: As your channel grows, you may have opportunities to collaborate with other creators, work with brands, or explore other avenues like speaking engagements or merchandise sales. – Making a positive impact: YouTube has the power to reach a global audience, and as a creator, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on people


Q: How can I make money on YouTube by making videos?

A: To make money on YouTube by making videos, you need to become a YouTube partner and monetize your content. This means that you can earn ad revenue from the ads that are displayed on your videos. You can also earn money through YouTube Premium revenue if your videos are watched by YouTube Premium subscribers.

Q: Is it possible to make money on YouTube without making videos?

A: Yes, it is possible to make money on YouTube without making videos. One way is to become a YouTube creator by repurposing existing content and creating compilations or highlights. Another way is to create content on YouTube by using videos created by others and providing commentary or reactions.

Q: What is the YouTube partner program and how can I become a YouTube partner?

A: The YouTube Partner Program is a program that allows creators to monetize their content on YouTube through ads and other revenue streams. To become a YouTube partner, you need to meet the eligibility requirements set by YouTube, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

Q: How much money can I make from YouTube?

A: The amount of money you can make from YouTube varies depending on several factors, such as the number of views your videos get, the number of ads displayed on your videos, and the level of engagement your audience has with your content. You can earn money on a per-view basis or through other forms of ad revenue.

Q: What are some ways for YouTubers to make money?

A: There are several ways for YouTubers to make money besides ad revenue. You can earn money through sponsored content, where brands pay you to promote their products or services in your videos. You can also sell merchandise or promote affiliate products to generate additional income.

Q: How do YouTubers make money from YouTube videos?

A: YouTubers make money from YouTube videos through various revenue streams. One of the main sources of income is ad revenue, where YouTube displays ads on your videos and shares a portion of the revenue with you. You can also earn money through YouTube Premium revenue and other forms of sponsored content.

Q: What are some tips to grow your YouTube channel and increase your earnings?

A: To grow your YouTube channel and increase your earnings, you can focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. You should also optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords and engaging titles and thumbnails. Promoting your videos on social media and collaborating with other YouTubers can also help increase your channel’s visibility.

Q: How long does it take to start making money from YouTube?

A: The time it takes to start making money from YouTube can vary for each creator. It depends on factors such as the quality of your content, the size of your audience, and your ability to monetize your videos. Some creators start earning money within a few months, while others may take longer to see significant income.

Q: Can I make money from YouTube if I have a small audience?

A: Yes, even if you have a small audience, you can still make money from YouTube. While having a larger audience can potentially generate more income, it’s important to focus on building an engaged and loyal audience. By creating valuable content and engaging with your viewers, you can attract brand partnerships and other revenue opportunities.

Q: Will I be able to make money from YouTube in the future?

A: As long as YouTube remains a popular platform for video content, there will continue to be opportunities to make money from YouTube. However, it’s important to stay updated with YouTube’s monetization policies and adapt your content strategy to any changes that may occur. By staying flexible and constantly improving your content, you can increase your chances of earning money from YouTube in the future.


In conclusion, making money on YouTube by creating videos is a viable and potentially profitable endeavor. It hinges on generating engaging content, establishing a robust and loyal subscribers base, utilizing the YouTube Partner Program, and capitalizing on ad revenue and sponsorships. Moreover, the scope for creators has been expanded with new monetization avenues such as merchandising and crowdfunding. To yield substantial income, one must exhibit consistency in uploads, showcase creativity, and hold on to authenticity. A unique niche and relatable content that resonates with the targeted demographic could be a game changer too. As evident, successful monetization on YouTube is a blend of strategic planning, effective execution, and, significantly, passion for the craft. In the digital age, anyone equipped with a crispy idea and camera could possibly turn YouTube into a thriving career prospect, hence marking the platform’s potential as an egalitarian avenue for entrepreneurship.